Well I had an eventful day! Woke up maaaaaaaad late, like 1ish and had to get ready and head out immediately. Laith and I are hosting "GIVE PEACE A DANCE" March 11th so we thought it would be a good idea to make a promo video for the event.
We tried making the video look like a mock of "America's Best Dance Crew". So we had all the dance crews perform for us while laith and I pretended to be the judges (he was lil mama ). Video came out sick and they got some craaaaazy performances lined up for the show so it should be fun. When that vids edited i WILL post it for yall....
THEN, i had to go straaaaaight to rehearsals for SOUNDS OF FASHION, which is goin down FEBRUARY 19TH @ COURTHOUSE NIGHTCLUB! It's honestly gonna be one of the greatest fashion shows TDot has EVER seen. Think like BET's Rip The Runway ....and thats what it is! I got a chance to see some of the models do their thing and Shannon (the other host) and I, got to make some promo vids for that as well which I should post sooner than later (shoutouts to drizzy) lool
After such a long day, Unique, Nicole (the organizers for Sounds Of Fashion) and I decided to go out and get some dinner. We started talking about the industry in Toronto and how it was soooooo harrrd to get everyone to help each other out. Honestly, nothing boggles my mind more than when people don't feel the need to put on for THEIR city. I LOVE TORONTO. I wouldnt live anywhere else and I am never ashamed of reppin my city. You guys will notice I'm always promoting shit in my tweets/statuses and half the time, I'm not even getting paid to do it! Why? Because I want everything in toronto to be a success...I want everyONE to be a success. What is so hard to help someone out in your city to achieve their goals and dreams? Especially in the music industry where most Canadian artists (sad to say) don't get taken seriously in the first place? It's a dog fight for most artists in Canada to make a name for themselves ...even recent sensation Drizzy had to fight hard and work hard to get where he is today. I dont know, I just think of your gonna claim to love your city and you want to see others become a success, there should be no hesitation in supporting everyone. Wouldn't you want an entire CITY of Drakes? #justsayin ...
ReplyDeleteGood lookin' on the shout out for #SoundsOfFashion you and Shannon will RIP IT!
I hope you take into consideration what Nicole and I were discussing yesterday and " i should take my own advice " BUT .. dont let ANYONE take your will to succeed away! YOU ARE what YOU want to be; Surround yourself w. individuals that will aid you and you can make it!
Love ya Kid!
this is a powerful post!!! it's funny how alot of ppl feel this way but dont express it as much!
ReplyDelete:) keep that love and support up seriously Toronto will shine if ppl like u keep reppin and doin their thiang to the max!!! :)
i can't wait for Sounds of Fashion, possibly one of the WIKEDEST ideas bring toronto Designers and artist together LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!
Toronto's Cheerleader--Anti-Screwface Movement: Smile @ a stranger
First time on your blog btw... this is what happens to me when I have a paper to write due in less than 9 hours. I go blog surfing.
ReplyDeleteAnyways I have to honestly say I just looked on the right margin and this "Toronto" post stuck out like a sore thumb. I read it and I digested it. And I can not agree more. Here's my take on it. Supporting other talented people in Toronto should not and will not harm you. I dislike the tension amongst some of the people in our city. I for one believe that if we can all support each other we help define and create our own culture. I can't tell you enough how many times i've travelled outside of our City to the states and the first thing they mention is how much Toronto copies their own culture. I disagree... but whose to know that if your not from Toronto. Not only do I want everyone to be successful but I want us all to be a collective team.
I admire Drake's music but what I am not appreciating is that all outsiders can tag Toronto on now-a-days is Drake. And that's awesome if we can get recognized in that way. But Drake alone can not represent and define all of us. and on that note I must do my part and support Toronto and whoever is making moves! Rather then sitting in my community and watching people sulking because they feel unheard or unrepresented.
Share, inspire and motivate toronto!
- Sorry I opted for a novel.